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E-Bikes for Sale

Take the bike.

Stop throwing away your money on public transport and start enjoying your commute. 


Your health will improve,  you'll be happier and will be amazed with how much money you'll save in the long run. 


We don't just talk. Our bikes have been tested and put through their paces. 

You'll see them around the city helping deliver food to people.

Reliable enough to get your nachos to you in time - reliable enough to get you to where you need to go to without breaking down.

Go the distance

Travel between 50 to 60km on a single charge.

Get the parts

We don't believe in single use products and stock all the parts necessary to get you back on your bike. If we don't have the part, we can order it in.

When it comes to electric bikes don't risk the online purchase.

Enjoy the fresh air and save money

Life is all about fun. Start living it.

Who says the commute needs to be like a trip to prison?

Have you seen a sad person on a bike? Neither have we.


RENT ONE for a month - if you like it, the credit goes towards a new one!

If you don't like it .... well - we haven't yet come across that scenario yet.

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